Assessment of satisfaction with the use of hormonal IUD

Posted January 6, 2023

Assessing options to use, reasons they liked, satisfaction, and possibilities of recommendation of the 52-mg levonorgestrel intrauterine system (hormonal IUD) by women was the aim of a study conducted by the Centro INCT Hormona’s team, of Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP).

The survey was conducted from January to July 2021, with users who came to the clinic and answered a questionnaire. Subsequently, descriptive analyses of variables were made to assess the level of satisfaction and the reasons for continuing to use hormonal IUD.

According to the research center coordinator and member of the do INCT Hormona’s Managing Committee, Dr. Luis Bahamondes, the study found a high rate of satisfaction. “I believe that the importance of the research lies in knowing what women who already use hormonal IUD (Mirena) think about this method and why they are satisfied with it,” explains the specialist. “Most importantly, we found that they like it not only because it is highly effective as a contraceptive, but also because it reduces menstrual bleeding”, he comments.

According to the article,nine out of 10 users (517 women; 91%) were satisfied with the method, and most of them would recommend it to other women. In the opinion of Dr. Luis Bahamondes, despite the great acceptance of the method, it is still little used in Brazil due to the refusal of the Ministry of Health to provide it through the Brazilian Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde, SUS).

The research “Reasons for satisfaction with the use of the 52-mg levonorgestrel intrauterine system” can be read in full through the link: